Diogo Cunha

I'm a freelance full-stack developer, believer of design simplicity and a technology passionate.

Let's get in touch!

+49 162 4667363 (DE)
+351 919 417 538 (PT)
diogo.f.cunha (Skype)

Technologies & Skills

JavaScript Java Go C++ C Node.js Grails Spring SQL NoSQL
Angular.js Twitter Bootstrap jQuery HTML5 CSS3 Less SCSS
Gulp Grunt Bower Git Unix-like Systems Computer Networks
Architecture Prototyping Product Development
Business Oriented Team Player Mentor

Short Biography

With 5+ years of experience developing a wide range of solutions, from Enterprise Software Applications to Minimum Viable Products, I worked with many technologies in different environments.

I follow my passions and I love what I do: explore opportunities, develop ideas, solve problems and search into new technologies. I'm a focused, goal oriented person always looking for the next challenge and that is what drives me forward.

I worked in an innovation consultancy firm associated with Lisbon University and R&D institution. As freelancer I worked for advertising agencies, software development companies and startups. I launched an international 'video for startups' company before starting freelancing and I've also been involved in other startups and projects.


distracer.io - Browser distributed ray tracer

JavaScript Node.js Browserify HTML5 Canvas Bower Grunt


CrowdProcess, a browser powered distributed supercomputer, launched a call for developing applications using their technology. I've decided to take the challenge and create a distributed ray tracer for generating photorealistic images using their platform.

The rendering engine is written in JavaScript and I built the webapp using browserified Node.js to call their API and push results into a HTML5 canvas. I also used bower package manager together with grunt to build the app.

The project had more than 5000 unique visitors in the first 48 hours once we reached the 2nd page on Y Combinator's Hacker News. It was a really exciting project.

entrepSim - Venture capital business simulator

Groovy Grails PostgreSQL Twitter Bootstrap PowerShell


My client developed a business simulation game for early stage startups using spreadsheets. He wanted to take it to the next level by turning it into a web-app and run it as a SaaS product targeted for business universities and colleges.

I designed and built a web-app to extend his spreadsheets into a web flow where users submit their business decisions and get their results. I used Twitter Bootstrap, Grails and PostgreSQL as stack. Since the simulation engine was still inside the spreadsheet, I built a PowerShell script to automatically process the data, acting as glue between the app and the spreadsheets. The result is an automated platform with almost no human intervention to run the simulations.

The project is now launched and it has been used by universities and colleges across Europe.

Nestible - Financial advisor fact-finder

JavaScript Node.js MongoDB Angular.js Twitter Bootstrap


My client wanted a MVP fact-finder to gather relevant changes in the financial life of their customers. He also wanted a back-office to give to Financial Advisors the ability to see the answers of the fact-finding and understand if their intervention is required or not.

I designed and built the front-end using Angular.js with Twitter Bootstrap with responsive design and implemented the backend using Node.js with MongoDB.

My client used the MVP to present his product to several Financial Advisors in the UK and most of them shown interest in buying and investing in his product.

Guinness - Beer drinking job contest

Groovy Grails PostgreSQL Facebook API


My client wanted a web app to receive and manage job applications for a beer drinking position on Guinness (advertising campaign). That web app should integrate as a tab on Guinness Portugal facebook page, ask people to like the page and invite friends by email for the job application. Only those who received an email invitation from a friend could apply for the job after giving a like on the page.

I developed the facebook tab and the back-office to manage the job applications using Grails and PostgreSQL.

The campaign was a complete success, with 80 000 likes acquired on the facebook page in a week and a total of about 10 000 job applications received.

Base 2 - Portuguese Public Procurement Portal

Java Spring Hibernate WSDL Shibolleth ZK Tomcat Maven


My client asked my team to develop an updated version of the Portuguese Public Procurement Portal. It’s a complex system with integrations with other systems through an Enterprise Service Bus. The information about the contracting procedures is made public through a public portal while another portal, only available to contracting authorities, is used to gather complementary information on the contracting procedures.

I created the project skeleton (build tool, dependency management), base DAO and service classes, database and security configuration using Spring Framework. I designed and developed the private portal using ZK Framework and I also worked in some integrations.

The project was a success and was distinguished with a CIO Awards 2013 prize.